Carson Archives

Here you will find information on the ancestors and descendents of Chester Carson and Kathleen Rogers. Articles are listed newest to oldest. Start by reading the oldest articles first, then work your way back to the newest. I have also included links to their Online Family Trees. Please provide your own stories, additions, corrections, or feedback by clicking on the word "Comments" at the end of any article, or by e-mailing me. Enjoy!

Friday, July 29, 2005

Final Thoughts and How to Request A Painting

I hope you've enjoyed reading more about these two talented relatives, and seeing some of their artwork. Before we return to learning about our ancestors, here are a few final thoughts, and information on how to commission either Kim or Patti to create a painting for you!.

In thinking back on all of her experiences as a painter, Kim remembers one very special Christmas. Here's how Kim recalls the family get together:

"One year at a Christmas gathering, Mom painted Drew’s portrait from his one year birthday photo. When Heather opened the gift, she cried and cried. It was very touching and brought tears to every ones eyes."

The following year at another Christmas gathering, Grandma Bernice attended."

Recalling how much the portrait of Drew meant to her sister the year before, Kim had a special painting of her own to give out. She had a portrait of Grandma Kathleen for her mother. Kim continues, "She opened the painting and said, “Who’s this?” Needless to say, I was crushed. This was. after all, supposed to be her most favorite Grandma in the whole wide world (as she often tells us). As I stood there in disappointed disbelief, I look up to Grandma Bernice, who was now standing over Mom’s shoulder, stammering through tears, “That’s my mother!”" As it turns out, the painting was of a young Kathleen on a fishing trip, based on Bernice's memory.

Patti remembers one very difficult commission. It was for a man who wanted a painting of his childhood home-site. She recalls, "He gave me an old 1940 black & white 3 x 5 faded photo of a house far in the distance, with lots of hills and trees and dirt roads that I could barely make out. He then drew a map of that photo, showing me exactly the landmarks he wanted included: the family outhouse, the hay field he worked in, a creek that was not even visible in the photo, their chicken house, the path leading to his favorite play spot (also not visible), and their large garden area." What a challenge! "As I’ve previously mentioned, I can’t create anything without a reference and this painting made me very nervous. I e-mailed him progress points in the painting and each time he was very pleased but that experience really stressed me big time!"

Finally, if you would like either of these budding artists to create a painting for you, you can contact them directly, or send an e-mail to Steve, and he will put you in touch with them.

Above: A portait of Kim's daughter Kiano-Jo, by Patti


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be Aunt Kit's Kim -- Kim's daughter Kiano-Jo -- not me, Patti's daughter and painting chum!

10:47 AM, August 01, 2005  

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