Carson Archives

Here you will find information on the ancestors and descendents of Chester Carson and Kathleen Rogers. Articles are listed newest to oldest. Start by reading the oldest articles first, then work your way back to the newest. I have also included links to their Online Family Trees. Please provide your own stories, additions, corrections, or feedback by clicking on the word "Comments" at the end of any article, or by e-mailing me. Enjoy!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Mystery Photo Monday #9

Here is another image from the oval frame.

I know that the man on the right, in the white shirt, is W.L. Carson (full name William Bernard Lloyd Carson). Does anyone know who the other gentleman is, or where this photo may have been taken?

The back of the photo has several imprints. The one in the center of the photo says "Camera Shop, New Mexico", below that is "May 3 1948" and then finally "Albuquerque New Mexico". There are no handwritten notes.

UPDATED 18 JANUARY 2006: The gentleman on the left is Virgil Carson, one of W.L.'s two sons.


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