Introducing... Kathleen (Aunt Kit)
Bet you didn't know that I am an Ordained Minister and have my Bachelor's of Divinity Degree from the Moody Bible College??
I served four years in the Air Force and was discharged from Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I retired from the US Naval Academy as a Civilian where I worked as a System Analyst. I retired with over 30 years service having started to work at the Naval Gun Factor in Washington, DC.
My first paying job was at Hoover Playground in Southwest Washington and my pay was ninety cents an hour. I worked there every summer thru High School and full time the beginning of my first year out of High School. I was employed by the DC Recreation Department. My Boss was Mr. Joe Mitchell!!
I have two children, a Son Roger who is 40 years old and a Daughter, Kimberly Ellen [LIVING].
I have three Grandchildren. Bethany, who is 20 years old and works as a Missionary in The Congo with People with a Mission, Dakota, who is l2 years old and lives with me, and Kiana Jo Marie [LIVING], the Daughter of Kim. Kiana is l9 months old.
NOTE: Using the phrase "[LIVING]" is a common method used by genealogists to keep the surname of a person private.

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