Expanding Horizons Together

Above: A still life by Kim
According to Kim, Patti is definitely the one who pushes them to increase their skills and knowledge. "Mom tells me were classes are, when shows are held and she links me to articles on the web about color, composition and styles. She is directly responsible for getting me started. She is also my motivator." Of course, Kim tells us, some of their trips are worthwhile for more than art's sake. "She wants to go to Italy for our next class. How can I deny her?"
But they don't just do things together, they include the family. For example, "This year, we’re planning on painting a mural for Tami’s tea room." Kim's subjects have included Grandma Carson. Patti has painted for Aunt Joanne, and done several portraits with her grandson Drew as the model.
Taking classes as mother and daughter also affects others in the classroom. "We are a mother/daughter sensation when we take classes together. Everyone thinks it so endearing that we share an interest and practice together."

Above: A painting by Patti