Memorable Photo Monday #3
From left to right are: Bernard Brooks Pendergraph, Janis, Kathleen Carson, Jimmy, Patti, Jean.
UPDATED 27 JUNE 2005: After viewing the apparent ages of those in the photo, I now believe that the date written under the photo was incorrect. I would be interested in hearing other opinions, but I now think the year was about 1954 or 1955.
UPDATED 18 JANUARY 2005: I found another copy of this photo with the names written on the back. The names listed above are correct, according to the note on the back.
Notice that everyone in the photo is dressed up. I think I know why.
While Patti and I were going through Bernice's trunk of photos, we kept checking for notes on the back side. After a while we noticed a pattern. If you found a photo that included people who were dressed up, and it listed names on the back, it was likely to also include the year, and the occassion: and the occasion was almost always "Easter".
So chances are, if you have family photos where some of us are dressed up, it was taken around Easter.

Who are Janis and Jimmy? How am I related to them?
For those of you who do not know this Kimberly, she is Patti's daughter, Bernice's granddaughter, and a great-great granddaughter of Kathleen. Kim, Jimmy, and Janis are all First Cousins Once Removed (1C1R).
Janis is the daughter of Bernie, and a granddaughter of Kathleen. Jimmy is the son of Maryanne, and a grandson of Kathleen.
The question I have is, all these pictures of us dressed up on Easter...did we go anywhere? I can't remember going to church as a family with anyone. Does anyone else? From other pictures, it's apparent we always spent some part of the day with Grandma since she is usually in the photo.
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