Carson Archives

Here you will find information on the ancestors and descendents of Chester Carson and Kathleen Rogers. Articles are listed newest to oldest. Start by reading the oldest articles first, then work your way back to the newest. I have also included links to their Online Family Trees. Please provide your own stories, additions, corrections, or feedback by clicking on the word "Comments" at the end of any article, or by e-mailing me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

William and his wives

Several family members remember William. They say he was often called “W.L.”, and ultimately had five wives. Maude was the first. Ivy was believed to be his second wife, probably followed by Zetta. His last wife was Ethol. I do not have the name of the other wife recorded.

Sometime after 1940, William and one of his wives (possibly Zetta or Ivy) traveled from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Washington, D.C., to visit with family. During that visit, they stayed with Chester and Kathleen Carson. The visit was unusual for W.L., as he was not deeply involved with Chester and Kathleen’s family.

Here is a photo of Ivy, who passed away in 1947, and W.L. with another wife (who, I believe, is Ethol - Can anyone confirm this?)

Ivy Carson in Washington, D.C., 1940

W.L. Carson and Ethol?


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