New Daughter For Kim
Want a modern day example? Just ask our Florida-based cousin Kim.
Some time after starting her family with her first daughter, Kim decided she was ready to be a new mom again, and provide a sister for Kiana-Jo.
After months of paperwork and preparation, it looked like another adoption woud come through.
Then, as they say, the bottom fell out, literally.
Kim went shopping for a new truck at a dealership that happened to be under construction. As she walked out, with Kiana-Jo in her arms, Kim did not see a hole in the concrete, and fell into it. Kiana-Jo was unhurt, but Kim was left with a dislocation and two fractures in her left ankle. She had to wait weeks for the swelling to subside, then undergo surgery. She is now recovering with a temporary cam-boot, a plate with nine screws, and three physical therapy sessions each week.
In the midst of all this, Kim got a call that baby girl was available. Kim's movements were restricted, but she was still about to return to sleepless nights and scheduled feedings. Then, at the last minute, problems arose with the adoption. Heartbroken, she had to accept that she'd have to wait a bit longer. But, Kim did not give up.
Remarkably, Kim received another call less than a month later. And now, Kim is once again a new mother!
Her new daughter is Kyndall Ellen, born January 10, 2007, weighing 7 lbs. 4 oz. and 20 inches long.
Congratulations Kim & Kiano-Jo!

Kiana-Jo holds her sister Kyndall
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