The Family Moves to Washington, D.C.
Transportation had to be arranged. Kathleen would not fly, even if they could afford to. Trains were too expensive, and they did not own a car. So, they hired a man to drive them to Washington, DC. He drove a old Nash. They were only allowed to take a few suitecases and the clothes on their backs. Somehow, Kathleen managed to find room for a Singer sewing machine. But all of their treasures and possesions were left behind.

Above: The Carson family before the move to Washington, D.C.
Chester, Kathleen and the driver squeezed into the front seat. All five children were in the back. For the next three or four days they drove. There were no stop-overs for hotels or motels or any other significant breaks. They even ate in the car. To make matters worse, Joan, only five years old, quickly became motion sick and was ill the rest of the trip, she even had difficulty keeping water on her stomach.
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