Loyd leads an active life, Kathleen finds him

Above: A Corydon, Indiana newspaper article featuring Loyd.
Referred to in the above newspaper article as "Doc", Loyd was also called (though less frequently) as "Red". Oddly, Chester sometimes called his father-in-law “Joe”.
Having lost track of her father in the late 1920’s, Kathleen (Rogers) Carson decided to try and locate him. She knew that her father was a regular reader of Billboard magazine. Hoping that this habit continued, she placed a personal advertisement seeking information on his whereabouts. Her father answered almost immediately, and they were reunited in September of 1945. The Corydon Democrat reported the reunion on Wednesday, September 19, 1945. They had last seen each other in Norfolk, Virginia, after Kathleen’s wedding.

Kathleen is shown with her father at their reunion in 1945.
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