Carson Archives

Here you will find information on the ancestors and descendents of Chester Carson and Kathleen Rogers. Articles are listed newest to oldest. Start by reading the oldest articles first, then work your way back to the newest. I have also included links to their Online Family Trees. Please provide your own stories, additions, corrections, or feedback by clicking on the word "Comments" at the end of any article, or by e-mailing me. Enjoy!

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mystery Photo Monday #15

Here come the Mystery Photos again! Take a look at the following three photos. All were taken at the same family get-together.

The crepe paper and decorations reveal that this is a Halloween party.

Look at Photo 1. Can anyone identify either the boy on the left (only partially shown) or the woman on the left? Also shown in the photo are Chester Carson and his grand-daughter Debbie.

UPDATED Sept 24, 2005: The boy is Jimmy. The woman is Bonnie.

Look at Photo 2. Mary Ann and her daughter Debbie are shown in this photo. Who is Mary Ann holding, and who is the woman she is speaking with?

UPDATED Sept 6, 2005: Mary Ann is speaking with Joan Pendergraph, the wife of Larry. Larry was brother of Gene. Gene was Bernie Pendergraph's father. Mary Ann may be holding one of Joan's children, or it may be Steve Brannon.

Finally, look at Photo 3. If I was correct about Photo 2, then Debbie is shown on the left. Here is another view of the mystery woman in Photo 2. Who is the man and the boy in costume?

UPDATED Sept 6, 2005: The "mystery woman" is now known to be Joan (see above). The man is Larry, Gene's brother, also mentioned above. The boy in costume may be Joan's (mystery woman) son David.

Also, does anyone know WHERE this party was held, or the year?

UPDATED Sept 8, 2005: The location is the basement of the Pendergraph home in Brentwood, Md. Bernice and Gene's family lived on the first floor. There was an additional apartment on the second, which Larry & Joan lived in.

Photo 1: Who are the boy and the woman on the left?

Photo 2: Who is Mary Ann holding, and to whom is she speaking?

Photo 3: Who is this man, and who is the costumed youth?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction - Joan Pendergraph is the wife of Larry Pendergraph. Larry is brother of Gene Pendergraph (father of Bernie)

12:35 PM, September 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mystery woman in Photo 1 - My Mother says is Libby. The location is the basement of our home in Brentwood, Md. My family lived on the first floor and there was an additional apartment on the second, which Larry & Joan lived in.

7:11 AM, September 08, 2005  

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