Reuben Jolly & Elizabeth Harrelson
- Reuben Jolly and Elizabeth Harrelson
- Luke R. Cartrett and Celia Dolley
- Martha Jane Cartrett and William L Wheeler
- Blanche May (Mazie) Wheeler and Lloyd Franklin Rogers
- Kathleen May Rogers
- Blanche May (Mazie) Wheeler and Lloyd Franklin Rogers
- Martha Jane Cartrett and William L Wheeler
- Luke R. Cartrett and Celia Dolley
According to the information that I have found at various online family tree sites, Reuben Jolly was born in South Carolina, in about 1800. The birth place and date for Elizabeth is unknown.
Reuben married at least three times. Elizabeth was apparently his second wife, and the mother of Celia, and many others.
The earliest record that I have for Reuben is the 1820 U.S. Census. The township is not recorded, but he lived in Horry County, South Carolina. At this time, very little information was collected when counting our nation's inhabitants. All we know is the ages of those in Reuben's household. These were recorded as:
1 male under 10. 1 male 18 to 26 (presumably Reuben). 1 female 18 to 26 (presumably his wife at the time).
The census states that one person in the home was involved in agriculture, so Reuben was almost certainly a farmer. This census also counted slaves or free black men in the household, of which there were none.

This extraction from the 1820 US Census shows Reuben Jolly's household. Note how the census form was entirely handwritten.
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