Carson Archives

Here you will find information on the ancestors and descendents of Chester Carson and Kathleen Rogers. Articles are listed newest to oldest. Start by reading the oldest articles first, then work your way back to the newest. I have also included links to their Online Family Trees. Please provide your own stories, additions, corrections, or feedback by clicking on the word "Comments" at the end of any article, or by e-mailing me. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Maston James & Delilah Thrasher

Maston James and Delilah Thrasher were Great Grandparents of Chester Carson.

Maston James and Delilah Thrasher
->John MacNeil James and Mary Elizabeth Amos
-->Maude Deleilah James and William Bernard Lloyd Carson
--->Chester Carson

Maston James was born in 1803, in Botetourt County, Virginia. His parents were Daniel and Elizabeth James.

Delilah (sometimes Delila or Della) Thrasher was born in 1810, in Virginia, to Frederick and Nancy Thrasher.

Maston and Delilah were married October 10, 1831 in the Vinton township of Botetourt County, Virginia.


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